(Please explain more about USG-04 Reportable Quantities?)
What happens, if the shipper fails to write the letters ?gRQ?h on the package and on the DGD? Will the freight forwarder and/or the airline get punished for letting such a shipment fly into the United States? (29 Oct 10)
As clearly stated in State Variation USG-04, dangerous goods that are shown in 49CFR 172.101 in quantities in excess of the limits shown must be Dec ared as ?gReportable Quantity?h and the letters ?gRQ?h must be written on the outside of the package and also on the Dec aration before or after the PSN. Failure will result in a violation of the US 49CFR subject to fines from the FAA and other legal actions. The carriers (both indirect and direct carriers) are obligated to check whether the shipper had complied with all the provisions of the 49CFR as clearly spelled out in USG-13 (a) where the carrier is held responsible to check that the shipper has followed the requirements of 49CFR.

All shippers, forwarders and airlines involved in shipping dangerous goods to/from/through the United States must secure a copy of the 49CFR 172.101. The RQ List can be downloaded from the DOT website.

Access http://hazmat.dot.gov/regs/intl/icaovar.htm

The DOT website page will appear. Thence enter RQ List and click.

You will then access to
172.101 App. A to 172.101 - List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities You click this, and you will be able to inspect or download 66 pages of the RQ List.

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