(Please clarify the contradiction between DGR 4.1.6 and SP A99?)
The 52nd Edition of the DGR revised 4.1.6 to obtain approval of the State of Origin and the State of the Operator when transporting quantities in excess of the limits shown on the blue pages. Whereas SP A99 refers to only the approval of the State of Origin if the 35kg limit is to be exceeded. If SP A99 relates to DGR 4.1.6, thence would it mean that the State of the Operator is also required to transport quantities in excess of 35kg? (31 Dec 10)
A. and were changed as part of an overall revision of approvals, which in most cases will now require approval from the State of the Operator as well as the State of Origin. SP A99 is for the 35kg limit on CAO and only requires approval of the State of Origin. However if you wanted to exceed the 5kg limit for passenger aircraft you would need to get both the State of Origin and State of Operator approvals. For and, IATA states they plan to look at putting in some words such as ?gunless otherwise specified?h.

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