(A shipper says a certain Aviation Regulated Liquid UN 3334 in quantity of 500mL is exempt? We cannot find such reference.)
A shipper has 500mL of UN 3334 Aviation Regulated Liquid, n.o.s. (Cyanoacrylate ester) and produces a MSDS which says ?gnot more than 500mL unrestricted?h. We cannot find any reference of such a quantity exemption in the DGR. Please advise where to look? (31 Jan 11)
There is no quantity exemption to Aviation Regulated substances. The only thing possible is that a quantity less than 500mL May not exhibit the properties of UN 3334, i.e. it would no longer meet the definition of being noxious, narcotic and etc. and will not cause annoyance due dispersion rates, etc. The airline will have to trust the shipper?fs statement or otherwise refuse carriage.

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