(How can we determine whether the Lithium ion battery used on a wheelchair is UN tested?)
DGR states lithium ion batteries used on a wheelchair of a passenger must have passed a UN Test. How can we ascertain that it has been tested? (31 Mar 11)
ICAO and IATA are asking the industry to show some sort of a Tested Mar ing on the casing of the lithium batteries. It May require some time for such a Mar ing to become a reality. There is less possibility for inferior lithium batteries to be installed in equipment and articles being internationally traded in quantities.

The real problem lies with laptop computers and camcorders which individual passengers carry. These May be equipped with low grade inferior lithium batteries sold on internet or sold in the back street Mar ets. The only way to prevent inferior untested batteries to enter into the cabin or the cargo hold is to ask the passengers which manufacturer?fs lithium batteries he/she is using in his/her laptop or camcorder.

There will be no problem if the batteries are from reputable manufacturers as Sony, Panasonic, Sanyo, Toshiba, Samsung, Philips, etc. But if the batteries had been picked on internet auction or purchased in the dark streets, chances are high that those batteries would not be UN tested. Such batteries are liable to heat up and catch fire and cause damage. They should be refused for carriage.

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