(There is a UN package bearing the following Mar ing: UN 1A2/Y1.2 Z1.5/100/11. Can this package be used to contain solid substances?)
Can a package bearing the UN package Mar ing of 1A2/Y1.2 Z1.5/100/11 be used to pack solid substances? (31 Aug 11)
According to the UN package specification Mar ing, this package is a steel drum with a removable head used to contain liquid substances. When used for PG II substance, the drum has been tested for specific gravity 1.2 and tested for a maximum hydraulic pressure of 109 kPa.

When used for PG III substance, the drum has been tested for specific gravity 1.5 and tested for a maximum hydraulic pressure of 109 kPa. Since the drum has a removable head, it can physically be used to contain solids as well as for inner packagings, but information on permissible gross weight is not given and also does not carry the letter ?g?r?h which means the drum can be used to contain solids or inner packagings. It means it May not have been tested for solids. The manufacturer of this drum must possess the test certificate issued by the UN Specification Package Testing organization.

You must secure a copy of the test certificate to ascertain whether the drum had been tested to contain solids, and what is the maximum permissible gross weight the drum is certified to carry. After ascertaining, you May use this drum to contain solid substances.

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