(Dangerous goods and non-dangerous goods in one outer packaging)
Can a dangerous goods and non-dangerous goods be packed in one outer packaging? Can a dangerous goods and a non-dangerous goods be shipped under one AWB, or one Shipper?fs Dec aration, or in one outer packaging? (30 Nov 03)
Dangerous goods not requiring a Shipper?fs Dec aration (Excepted quantities under DGR or Dry Ice used as refrigerant for non-dangerous goods under PI904) cannot be packed together with dangerous goods that require a Shipper?fs Dec aration. However, these can be shipped under one AWB. The AWB thence will cover a shipment of two packages, one of which will be a package containing dangerous goods accompanying a Shipper?fs Dec aration. Dangerous goods and non-dangerous goods May be shown on one Dec aration however the dangerous goods must always be shown first or shown emphasized. Dangerous goods and non-dangerous goods May be packed in one outer packaging as long as the contents would not react dangerously against each other.

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