(Question on Special Provision A9)
What is the meaning of Special Provision A9 which spells: ?gAlcoholic beverages containing 70% or less alcohol by volume, when packed in receptacles of 5L or less, are not subject to these Regulations when carried as cargo.?h (11 Jan 04)
The 5L mentioned in Special Provision A9 is the quantity in one outer packaging. Consequently if the contents of a Y309 packaging do not exceed 5L, it will not be treated as a dangerous goods shipment. The maximum limit of an IP2 inner packaging is 5L. If you pack only one IP2 containing 5L in one outer package, A9 applies and the package will not be regarded as a dangerous goods shipment. You can place two IP2 each containing 5L in one Y309 outer packaging, thence the total quantity is 10L, and is beyond the provisions of A9, and therefore is treated as a LTD QTY shipment.

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