(What is a ?gV?h packaging)
What is a ?gV?h packaging? (6 Mar 04)
Explanations pertaining to ?gV?h packagings appear in three places of the DGR, namely, Format of Packing Instructions, Packaging Qualifying Codes, and Exemption from Testing. ?gV?h packagings are very common in the United States and are Mar eted under the brand names of ?gSuperPak?h and ?gVariationTwo?h. It is a special packaging certified to meet performance standards for PG I dangerous goods, and carries the alphabet ?gV?h immediately following the packaging type code, e.g. 4GV. When the Packing Instruction authorizes the use of a particular type of outer packaging in a combination packaging, e.g. 4G, packagings bearing the same packaging identification code followed by the letter ?gV?h Mar ed according with the requirements of, e.g. 4GV, May also be used uner the same conditions and limitations applicable to the use of that type of outer packaging. ?gV?h packagings are widely used in the States. FedEx, for instance, require the use of a ?gV?h packaging when transporting toxic substances (refer Operator Variation FX-02). Detailed specification is as explained in DGR

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