(Interpretation of SP A3 and A58)
A question on UN1170 Ethanol. If it is a solution, the UN number remains the same and the PSN becomes Ethanol Solution. SP A3 and A58 apply. Four items below Ethanol, there is a lightface entry which says, Ethanol aqueous solution containing 24% or less alcohol which is indicated as Not Restricted. The item in question is an Ethanol Solution with flash point 42?? and the alcohol contents is below 24%. According the SP A58 this aqueous solution is Not Restricted, whereas A3 says if it satisfies a classification criteria it is dangerous goods. (27 Feb 05)
SP A58 covers A3. A3 says that if it does not meet the classification criteria then it is not regulated. So if you have an ethanol solution with a flash point of 61?? then it is not regulated. A58 goes further and actually allows ethanol solution at or below a defined concentration, regardless of flash point, to be not regulated. The item in question is Nor Restricted per A58. ?@

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