(Overpacking CAO shipments)
Three questions on CAO overpacks:

a) DGR (a) states that only one CAO package May be overpacked. Can we use a closed overpack?

b) DGR (b) states if more than two packages are overpacked, they must be visible and accessible. Can we overpack 1 Passenger aircraft package and 1 CAO package, or 1 Passenger aircraft package and 2 CAO packages?

c) DGR (c) states Class 3 PG III without a subrisk, Classes 6, 7 and 9 May not be visible or accessible. Can we pack a Class 8 package together in the overpack? (31 Mar 2004 (6 Mar 2005))
Answers in order:

???j One CAO package can be overpacked in either a visible or a non-visible overpack. In the case of a non-visible overpack, all Mar ings/labellings and the CAO label must be reproduced on the outside of the overpack with the words ?gOVERPACK?h as amended in DGR of the 46th Edition DGR. ?@

b) The 1 passenger aircraft package and 1 CAO package or the 1 passenger aircraft package and 2 CAO packages May be overpacked into one overpack but the overpack must be an open visible type. You cannot use a closed non-visible overpack ?@

c) Since the Class 8 package requires to be visible and accessible, the overpack must be a open visible type. (06 Mar 2005)

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