(Question on Overpacking Lithium ion Batteries prepared per PI 965.)
Is it permissible to overpack multiple packages containing Lithium ion Batteries prepared following stipulations of PI 965?
According to IATA DGR, packages containing either Section IA or Section IB under PI965 must not be overpacked with dangerous goods of Class 1 (except Div. 1.4S) , Div.2.1, Class 3, Div. 4.1 and Div. 5.1. Similar restriction is spelled out in DGR
We understand that Lithium ion batteries prepared under PI 965 are not permitted to be overpacked with dangerous goods listed above, but we would like to know if we can put multiple packages of PI 965 in one single overpack. We would appreciate your guidance.  (31 Jan 22)
Lithium ion Batteries prepared per Section IA or Section IB of PI 965 must not be packed together in the same outer packaging or overpacked in the same overpack with dangerous goods of Class 1 (except Div. 1.4S) , Div.2.1, Class 3, Div. 4.1 and Div. 5.1. However, multiple Lithium ion batteries packages prepared under Section IA or Section IB of PI 965 may be packed in the same overpack.

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