(A question on how to enter Shipper and Consignee names on the Declaration.)
This is a question on how to enter the Shipper’s name and the Consignee’s name on the Shipper’s Declaration for Dangerous Goods. Some says when entering the Shipper’s corporate name you need to additionally enter the name of the individual in charge. Some says if the corporate name is shown as the shipper, there is no need to add the individual’s name. Please guide us how to interpret the rules under DGR Shipper and DGR Consignee.  (31 Aug 21)
DGR Shipper states: “Enter the full nme of the shipper.” and DGR Consignee states: “Enter the full name of the consignee.” When entering a name of the individual, you will enter his/her full name as, for example, ”Benjamin Kinoshita”, and if you are entering a corporate name, you will enter, for example, “Kinoshita Aviation Consultants”. The DG acceptance check lists displayed at the end of the DGR indicate the same requirement in Check List Question #2. Even if an individual’s name is entered as “B. Kinoshita” or simply, “Kinoshita”, it would not customarily be rejected. The importance is accessibility. ICAO/IATA both are not demanding anything more than a comprehensive full name. You are not required to enter an individual name in addition to the corporate name. Individual name can be secured from the signatory on the DGD or from the AWB.

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