(A question on shipping Chemical Compound.)
The product is a chemical compound consisting of two liquid items. The first item is UN1133 Adhesives Class 3 PG II 0.965L and the second item is UN3082 Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid Class 9 PG III 0.05L. The two items are packed together as one unit. The first item, UN1133, will be shipped as DG with an accompanying DGD. SP A197 will be applies to the second item, UN3082, which will be shipped as Not Restricted with notation on the AWB, all packed in one package. In this case, would it be permissible to note on the AWB as “Not Restricted per SP A197 (UN3082) in a packaging with UN1133.” Kindly advise.  (31 Jan 21)
I think it would be better to add a few more words.

Please enter the name of the chemical compound on the AWB followed with the following in brackets. “UN1133 Adhesives per attached DGD and UN3082 Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, all packed in one package” and further add “UN3082, Not Restricted per SP A197.”

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