(Table 10.5.C – Category Determination for Radioactive Material packages.)
I wish to check with regard to assigning of category to radioactive packages.
Can we just base on the TI column of Table 10.5.C to determine the category without having to compare it with the middle column of the Table?  (31 May 20)
The middle column of Table 10.5.C cannot be ignored. The middle column is the radiation level smack on the direct outer surface of the package where the radiation is theoretically higher than the radiation measured at one meter from the surface of the package, i.e, the readings of the first column.

Take for example, a package which measures TI 0.5 but when radiation is measured smack on the outer surface of the package, the reading was 0.7 mSv/h. Alpha rays travel only 2 to 3 centimeters therefore it will not be detected at one meter away from the surfaccce, This package is III-Yellow.

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