(Guidance on DGR 2.6.10 De Minimis Quantities is requested.)
Confirming DGR 2.6.10, if items (a) through (d) are met, substances are categorized as De Minimis Quantities and are not subject to these Regulations. Does this mean that such substances will be exempt from segregation requirements and other rules, and would be treated as non-dangerous goods? We would appreciate a guidance on De Minimis Quantities.  (31 Jan 19)
If the EQ Code is E1, E2, E4 or E5 and it satisfies stipulations of DGR (a) through (d), the substance is categorized as De Minimis Quantities, and when carried as cargo, it will not be subject to these Regulations. Since this exemption only applies when carried as cargo, the prohibition on carriage as baggage and/or post spelled out in applies. As long as it is transported as cargo, it will be treated as non-dangerous goods and segregation will not be necessary. Attention must be given that if the EQ Code is E3, even if the quantity may be very small, it will not be handled as De Minimis Quantities since E3 substances are PG I and the degree of hazard is higher and therefore not eligible for De Minimis Quantities.

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