(Please guide us how to use Table 3.3.A.)
When using Table 3.3.A to assign a Packing Group to a liquid, if the Flash Point is higher than 23℃ but not higher than 60℃、however if the Initial Boiling Point is less than 35℃, is it correct to assign PG I to this liquid? Are we supposed to select the more severe of the two, i.e., flash point and initial boiling point?
 (30 Sep 18)
Table 3.3.A is constructed by eliminating substances that do not chemically exist.

The intent is not to assign the more severe PG between the two criteria, the flash point and the initial boiling point. First of all, you will start from the Initial Boiling Point. If the test indicates that the liquid has an Initial Boiling Point of less than 35℃, the liquid must be assigned PG I. There is no technical need to determine the flash point. Next, you will check the Flash Point of the liquid having an Initial Boiling Point of more than 35℃. If the Flash Point is lower than 23℃, the liquid is PG II.

If the Flash Point is more than 23℃ but less than 60℃, thence the liquid must be assigned PG III. If the Flash Point is higher than 60℃, it does not fall under Class 3 and is not a flammable liquid.

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