(Need confirmation on Lithium batteries dealt in USG-02.)
In the third paragraph of State Variation USG-02, it reads: “Primary (non-rechargeable) lithium metal batteries and cells, (UN3090), are forbidden for transportation aboard passenger-carrying aircraft. Such batteries transported in accordance with Section IA or IB of Packing Instruction 968 must be labelled with the CARGO AIRCRAFT ONLY label. Such batteries transported in accordance with Section II of Packing Instruction 968 must be marked “PRIMARY LITHIUM BATTERIES – FORBIDDEN FOR TRANSPORT ABOARD PASSENGER AIRCRAFT” or “LITHIUM METAL BATTERIES – FORBIDDEN FOR TRANSPORT ABOARD PASSENGER AIRCRAFT”. Now the question: Does the term “Such batteries” include cells as well? The word “cells” are not mentioned in the sentence. Do we understand cells are not regulated?”  (30 Apr 14)
This is a simple English expression. Following the opening sentence, if it continues and says “Such batteries … … … …”, it includes cells. It is the same as writing “Such batteries and cells … … … …” It does not mean that batteries only are regulated and cells are exempt. Cells, with no exception, are regulated.

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