(How many digits behind the decimal point must we show the quantity on the DGD? If multiple entries of the same UN number and PSN must be shown on the DGD, may we use an abbreviated format?)
How many digits behind the decimal point, must we declare the quantity of the dangerous goods on the DGD? If the shipment involves multiple packages of the same UN number and PSN but in different quantities, must we enter each line in full or can we use an abbreviated entry for the 2nd and subsequent lines?  (31 May 13)
The actual quantity of the dangerous goods must be shown on the DGD. Solids must be shown in kilograms and liquids and gases msut be shownj in litres. In some cases, you are obligated to show the gross weight of the package. At any rate, the true actual quantity must be shown on the DGD. Consequently, there is no rule for truncating.

When there are multiple packages with the quantity differing with each package, you need to declare the packages using multiple lines in full text. Abbreviated entry is not permitted.

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