(May a Lithium Battery shipment under Section IB be included in a consolidation?)
Is it permissible to include a shipment of Lithium Batteries prepared in compliance with Section IB of either PI 965 or PI 968 in a consolidation? Is it okay to enter the required AWB entries on the Master AWB? Is it also okay to accept a shipper-built ULD containing these shipments?  (31 Dec 12)
Quite a touchy situation. Airlines are unable to see the HAWB. Section IB shipments do not require a DGD however certain entries must be shown on the AWB.

It is not practical to show these required AWB entries inn the Remarks column of the House Manifest. Since airlines have no access to HAWBs, the required AWB entries would have to be shown on the MAWB. However, general consolidations would have many HAWBs, and it will be not clear which HAWB is the one containing Lithium Batteries. Consequently, such shipments will have to be forwarded “back to back” or under “ONE MASTER ONE HOUSE” concept. Thence the entries on the HAWB can be duplicated on the MAWB so the information would be passed over to the carrier. Even if such procedure is employed, the obligation of the original shipper to show the required AWB entries on his HAWB stands unabridged.

Items permitted for Shipper built ULDs are confined to four items as spelled out clearly in sub-paragraphs 1), 2), 3) and 4) of both DGR and DGR 9.1.4. The shipper must tender all other items to the carrier in loose pieces.

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