(Please explain the rules for passengers carrying cigarette lighters and also whether a ZIPPO type cigarette lighter is permitted as passenger baggage.)
DGR states: ?gOne small packet of safety matches or a cigarette lighter that does not contain unabsorbed fuel, other than liquefied gas, intended for use by an individual when carried on the person?h. We feel the rule is addressing the inexpensive throw away lighters shown in the illustration. As for ZIPPO type lighters, airlines appear to have a different interpretation. Kindly clarify. (30 Jun 10)

Yes, these inexpensive throw away plastic lighters are banned from passenger baggage as it contains unabsorbed fuel and the plastic casing is not strong enough to endure the pressure differential normally encountered in air transportation.

ZIPPO type lighters do not have a ?gclosed?h fuel chamber as the bottom part of the fuel chamber is open as the body slides into the casing. U.S. carriers and many non-US airlines flying to/from the USA refuse Zippo lighters because of the very strict US interpretation of a ?gclosed?h fuel chamber. Since the interpretation and practice somewhat differs with each airline, it is advisable that you contact the particular airline in question to confirm their interpretation.

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