(Please explain on how to complete an ?gAll Packed in One?h Dec aration of dangerous goods and non-dangerous goods packed together?)
When dangerous goods and non-dangerous goods are packed together in one outer packaging, DGR states that the dangerous goods must be written first or otherwise emphasized. Is this a mandatory requirement? Please tell us how to complete the Dec aration. (31 Jan 11)
Dangerous goods and non-dangerous goods May be packed together in one outer packaging provided they do not react dangerously with each other. It is not a mandatory requirement that you should show the non-dangerous goods on the Dec aration form. However, if you elect to show the non-dangerous goods on the Dec aration form, you must write the dangerous goods first or otherwise emphasize it as stipulated in DGR

Instances where it is advisable to show the non-dangerous goods on the Dec aration form is, for example, when the dangerous goods itself is of a very small size and the non-dangerous goods is of a very large size. The airline May wonder why such a large outer package is used, and such questioning May hinder a swift dispatch.

When listing the non-dangerous goods you must avoid using vague terms such as ?gaircraft parts?h. A vague description May invite further questions. Better be specific and state in details, such as ?gbolts?h, ?gnuts?h, ?gmetal casing?h, etc. that will speak for itself that they are non-dangerous goods.

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