(We are not sure about the interpretation of DGR
DGR states that the requirements of (a), (b) and (c) do not apply to items listed in the six bullet points which follows. In the second bullet point it shows “flammable liquids (Class 3), Packing Group III, other than those with a subsidiary hazard of Class 8 or …….” I am puzzled how to interpret this phrase. The phrase “other than those with a sub hazard of Class 8” could mean Class 3 with Class 8 sub hazard must be loaded in an accessible location or on the contrary they can be loaed in an non-accessible location. Kindly explain. (30 Apr 19)
The phrase “other than those with a subsidiary hazard of Class 8” in the statement ”Flammable liquids (Class 3), Packing Group III, other than those with a subsidiary hazard of Class 8” correctly interpreted means “substances of Class 3 PG III with a subsidiary hazard other than Class 8” do not have to follow the stipulations of (a), (b) or (c). Conversely, Class 3 PG III with a Class 8 subsidiary hazard must be loaded in an accessible location.

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